The Sandmännchen

Entidad interviews Sandman about the WP family and the CnCNET95 on January 11, 2021.

Questioner: Entidad
Answer: Sandman (He is from Germany)

Question 1
How do you describe yourself as a person?

I am an ambitious and loyal person.

Question 2
When did you start playing Red Alert 1?

About 20 years ago and online. I Started playing 2 years ago.

Question 3
When did you start CnCNet95?

At the same time with the First online Game. 2 years ago

Question 4
Who is your best friend on CnCNet95?

Difficult question, I can't say who is my best friend, there are many good guys Wich helped me in my first cnc moments, like petersky and Eule, there are my WP guys and my old buddy and study lol, xNatu.

Question 5
Who made you join the WP family?

I am founder member WP hehe, but Anderson invite me to P and P goes to WP.

Question 6
Who is your rival at CnCNET95?

Oh lol long times I has hard games with Alexliev, and I try daily to beat RG but the stand 24:2 and the Endboss ist petersky but that's my life task hehe

How do you consider the maps created by Entidad? Justify your answer

Sehr gut, ich habe viel Respekt vor enti allem was du da an Arbeit reinsteckst, die Mühe und die Zeit die du in das Spiel und in den Clan investierst. (Deutsche version)

Very good, a lot of respect for enti for all what he do and the time, he spend in all this thinks and thanks for the time he spend in the clan. Much thx!